Collection Lawsuit Preparation -By Our In House Attorney:
Flat Rate Fee -Call for details.
In House Partnered Attorney: 45 years experience
Lowest Cost in the State
$150.00 per case We will find anyone!!!
$150.00 per case We will find anyone!!!
We file and serve your behalf a claim and streamline the process, on your behalf as an cheaper alternative to Civil Lawsuits filed by our attorney, all with one of our top collectors by your side to help you a judgment for debts under $2500.00. and any debt above that amount as allowed by the Small Claims Court. Up to $10,000.00 for individuals and $5000.00 for Corporations .Filing Fee and Court Costs: $275.00 per case with multi case discounts.
Small Claims Filing Service
We file and serve your behalf a claim and streamline the process, on your behalf as an cheaper alternative to Civil Lawsuits filed by our attorney, all with one of our top collectors by your side to help you a judgment for debts under $2500.00. and any debt above that amount as allowed by the Small Claims Court. Up to $10,000.00 for individuals and $5000.00 for Corporations .Filing Fee and Court Costs: $275.00 per case with multi case discounts.
We file and serve your behalf a claim and streamline the process, on your behalf as an cheaper alternative to Civil Lawsuits filed by our attorney, all with one of our top collectors by your side to help you a judgment for debts under $2500.00. and any debt above that amount as allowed by the Small Claims Court. Up to $10,000.00 for individuals and $5000.00 for Corporations .Filing Fee and Court Costs: $275.00 per case with multi case discounts.
Property Tax Appeal Rep Contingency Fee: 35% Contingency
Asset Attachment & Levy: 35% Contingency
Business Debts: 35% Contingency
Expert Medical Collections: 35% Contingency
Personal Injury Liens 35% Contingency
Bad Debts: 35% Contingency
Judgments: 35% Contingency
Soft Collections: 25% Contingency (debts under 120 days past due)
Bad Checks: 35% Contingency plus treble damages
Work Compensation Liens: 25% Contingency
Standard Medical/Insurance Bill: 28% Contingency
$250 per hr
Collections Consulting
$250 per hr
Forensic Debt Collections: Fraud Cases 50%
We find details that collect even Debts incurred by customer fraud or deception that others have missed. We use police department databases and have developed the best system in the business
We will review your procedures and help improve your bottom line and help you ensure you have all your ducks in a row when someone or a business defaults, fails to pay or rips you off!!